Saturday, February 18, 2012

Seaweed vs Chlorella = Algae

Seaweed is widely known to be delicacy for many especially Japanese in sushi and sashimi cuisine. Seaweed has a long autonomy as large as 180 feet long and usually known as green, brown and red algae. Chlorella / Spirulina has a slight medium in size and consumed as dietary supplementary with cyanobacteria blue algae properties which are considered as nutrients with no omega 3 fatty acids.

Seaweed has more carbohydrates less protein than chlorella/ spirulina and microscopic algae usually the food for plankton at the bottom of the cold ocean waters. Seaweed is also processed into organic fertilizer . In Belize, beverage seaweed is popular and Wales use in leaven bread.

Unlike its cousin, chlorella which are rich in protein, vitamin and minerals usually grown in fresh water lakes of Lake Chad, Africa and Lake Tecoco, Mexico. Chad in the 9th Century Kanem Empire dried the chorella into dried cakes called 'dihe' use to make broths for meal.

In industrial application, chlorella are harvested for the production of biofuel which is the third generation of biofuel. The cost per pound of spirulina/chlorella is $1,000 as compared to dried soy beans - 89 cents.

Indonesia is the largest exporter of seaweed followed by Philippines.

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