Thursday, December 6, 2012

We always for the Community

Sxion Foundation (  has always been in the heart of many and touches many lives through its charitable and philanthropist works within the South East Asia region. Hence we wish to emphasize the work that we do as follows:-

1) Rural development (  jatropha contract farming mainly in Indochina with off take agreements   while fully utilising farmers/settlers idle land to convert into cash )

2) Social development ( operate and administrate welfare homes  for orphans,  elderly care and single mothers)

3) Healthcare/Wellness  ( run a charitable dialysis  centre and provide 24 hours hotline support )

Our work has caught the attentions of  local corporate companies, international organisation and government agencies leaving  them as the leading donors and sponsors for Sxion Foundation charitable and social works.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Core Competency_

Well,  in a nutshell  this is the blueprint or rather DNA of Strafocus. A strategy focus consulting practice with a heart of environment (green) as well as responsible investing i.e. with corporate social responsibility in mind. .

The driving force behind Strafocus has been in food, leisure and lifestyle. Hence, naturally F&B comes into mind as well as hotels operations which includes an integrated resort/casino alike with theme park ( coincidentally under leisure category). Not missing out all the hoteliers and restaurateur who have adopted a green living and practised sustainability lifestyle in order to reduce the global carbon footprint.

In conclusion, renewable energy ( sustainable living) ; real estate (property assets including hotels/casino) ;  resort ( representing  F&B plus theme park operations) and retail ( food supply chain from  organic-farming to poultry to fresh produce to grocers to retailing supermarkets chains including branding, franchising and fashions ) will be part of  Strafocus (  eco-system.