Friday, November 30, 2012

Core Competency_

Well,  in a nutshell  this is the blueprint or rather DNA of Strafocus. A strategy focus consulting practice with a heart of environment (green) as well as responsible investing i.e. with corporate social responsibility in mind. .

The driving force behind Strafocus has been in food, leisure and lifestyle. Hence, naturally F&B comes into mind as well as hotels operations which includes an integrated resort/casino alike with theme park ( coincidentally under leisure category). Not missing out all the hoteliers and restaurateur who have adopted a green living and practised sustainability lifestyle in order to reduce the global carbon footprint.

In conclusion, renewable energy ( sustainable living) ; real estate (property assets including hotels/casino) ;  resort ( representing  F&B plus theme park operations) and retail ( food supply chain from  organic-farming to poultry to fresh produce to grocers to retailing supermarkets chains including branding, franchising and fashions ) will be part of  Strafocus (  eco-system.

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