Saturday, April 18, 2009

Iron ( Fe) + Carbon ( C ) = Steel

Steel is manufacture via smelting process whereby extraction of iron from iron ore mined from the ground- iron ore rich earth and alloy(combine) it with carbon[the ideal chemical partner] which gives the hardness, ductility and tensile strength of the resulting steel* through a Bessemer converter, a conversion process of removal of impurities and excess carbon ( preferablly less than 2%) from the iron by oxidation with air(oxygen) being blown through the molten iron discovered by Henry Bessemer, English engineer and inventor in 19th Century.

This historical discovery has resulted in an inexpensive modern steel making currently dominated by world player such Arcelor Mittal. However, recycling steel consume 75% less energy than smelting and mining process and representing 30% of steel making industry posed as an alternative proposition in this lucrative scrap metal recycling business pioneered by Grossman Iron & Steel.

* Steel with increased carbon content (% C) can be made harder and stronger than iron, but is also more brittle.

1)Carbon Steel has less than 2% of Carbon content ;

2)Stainless Steel has an additional element - Chromium i.e. rust proof ;

3)Alloy steel - High strength low alloy (HSLA) steel are used in cars, trucks, cranes, bridges and ships. HSLA steels are usually 20 to 30% lighter than a carbon steel with the same strength and non-corrosive.

4)Cast Iron has 3-4 % of Carbon content is brittle effect and corrosive mainly used in water pipes and automobile gear box.

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